This server is not affiliated with Microsoft or Mojang in any way. This is a third party server.
10 years 2014 - 2024


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Version 1.21
For whitelist request please Email us at:

About Us:

Simple, Pure Vanilla Minecraft

This server is dedicated to players who want to build in survival mode.
It is running the orginal Majong server file with no modifications.
This is a whitelisted server open to most of the old players and the friends
they wish to play with.


We have updated to 1.21

Beginner Friendly

The server is true to the original game. It has no confusing mods, so you can just hop on and start playing as if you are in the single player mode.

Only Survival Mode

Everything except the world spawn has been built in survival mode. We take integrity of your survival builds and items very seriously. The game difficulty is set to normal.

Build Protection

Your builds can be restored from one of the daily backups. If by chance you get griefed or robbed. Your build(s) must be at least 10,000 blocks from spawn, it dies not have to be in one direction, it is the absolute value of your X+Z coordinates.

Share Your Build

When you build something and would like to share it, just log in and post an image of it in the screenshot gallery, the best place to show off your builds.

History of RawMinecraft

RawMinecraft was started by Ze6ra, in mid Oct 2014, it is a building server running in survival mode. Ze6ra ran the server until Jan 2019, after that RustyCan and Mrs.RustyCan took over, using the same seed as when the game started. When version 1.9 came out, Ze6ra, reset 8,000 blocks in every direction from X=0 Y=0, because of new content. In 1.13 Ze6ra reset the world, and pasted in previous builds, also at that time he reduced the world size to 50,000 blocks in all directions, from the orginial 100,000. With the release of version 1.15.1, most of the plains and flower field bioms were reset, for the bees, along with some of the oceans.

Ze6ra's orginal world had no border, it was later reduced to 100,000 blocks in all directions from spawn, when the 1.13 update came out, the world border was again reduced, to 50,000 blocks in all directions from spawn. When RustyCan after taking over the server, reset the world border back to 100,000 blocks in all directions, replacing the builds that could be found that were beyond the 50,000 limit, from a 1.12.2 backup and placed to their original locations. With the 1.16.1 update, the nether was reset, leaving the old nether hubs and some of the tunnels. With the 1.17 update to the current 1.21, only the places that had been traveled, where nothing had been built, had been reset, for new content